Thursday, April 22, 2010

OH that I knew how all thy lights combine,
And the configurations of their glorie !
Seeing not only how each verse doth shine,
But all the constellations of the storie.

This verse marks that, and both do make a motion
Unto a third, that ten leaves off doth lie :
Then as dispersed herbs do watch a potion,
These three make up some Christians destinie.

Such are thy secrets, which my life makes good,
And comments on thee : for in ev’ry thing
Thy words do finde me out, and parallels bring,
And in another make me understood.

Starres are poore books, and oftentimes do misse
This book of starres lights to eternall blisse

Posted by Posted by Brian at 10:21 AM


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Well, I haven't blogged in two years. A lot has happened in those two years. I got married to Christine (I love her), I'm getting ready to graduate from seminary and we move in a month. I figured I'd bring back the ole blog. I'm not going to do much writing/sharing of feelings but I read a lot these days and I think this would be a good place to share quotes from books that I'm reading.

Posted by Posted by Brian at 9:31 AM


